Hidayati298's Blog

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Virtual Experiment – Individual Work


Electricity travels easily through electrical conductors, like metals.

Materials that do not let electricity pass through them easily are called electrical insulators. Plastic, wood, glass and rubber are good electrical insulators.

Electrical conductors

Some materials let electricity pass through them easily. These materials are known as electrical conductors.

Many metals, such as copper, iron and steel, are good electrical conductors. That is why the parts of electrical objects that need to let electricity pass through are always made of metal

Electrical insulators

Some materials do not allow electricity to pass through them. These materials are known as electrical insulators.

Plastic, wood, glass and rubber are good electrical insulators. That is why they are used to cover materials that carry electricity.


Here in this virtual experiment. the electricity curcuit are not complete. students are to choose the material given to connect with the cicuit in order to light up the bulb. if the material chosen is not a conductor therefore the bulb will not light up. but if the material is a conductor material it will light the bulb.


Must Do Question : Give five the examples of conductor material and five example of insulator material

Should Do Question : Explain in your own word what is a conductor material and what are insulator 

Could Do Question : Is water  conductor to electricity? explain your answer in your own words 



REPEAT 12 [ REPEAT 5 [ FD 100 RT 72 ] RT 30 ]

Video- Concept Map Of A Tree

1) Must Do Question
What can we benefit from the trees?

2) Can do Questions
Where does our paper comes from? what can we do to conserve our rainforest?

3) Should do questions
What is photosynthesis? explain the process of photosynthesis and respiration in your own words.

Storytelling – Group work

Subject                 :   Science

Year                      :   2

Topic                     :   Plants Growth


                                                                                                  Jack and the Beanstalk

Once upon a time, there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow.

One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to the market and sell it. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for trading in the cow. Jack took the beans and went back home. Jack told his mother what happened. His mother was very angry and throws the bean out of the window. Jack was very disappointed.

The next morning Jack looked out of the window. He was shocked when he saw a giant beanstalk outside his house. He went outside and climb up the beanstalk. He climbed and climbed to the sky through the clouds. Then, he saw a beautiful castle. He was curious and went inside the castle.

Jack slowly enters the house when suddenly he heard a voice, “Free, Fo, Fo, Fum!” Jack ran into a cupboard. An enormous giant came into the room and sat down on the table. On the table there is a hen and a golden harp. The hen lays a golden egg.

Minutes later, the giant fell asleep. Jack went out of his hiding place and took the harp and the hen. Slowly, he went away but the giant woke up and saw Jack. Jack ran as fast as he could and the giant ran after him.

Jack was so fast. He climbs down the beanstalk and shouted to his mother for a help. Jack’s mother took an axe and chopped down the beanstalk.

With the golden egg and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.

                                                                                                    CONCEPT MAP



  1. Name the four parts of plants.
  2. What does a plant produce to make sugar?
  3. Why do flower smell sweet?

Virtual Experiment – Group work

Name : Dk.Noorhidayati Binti Pg Ahmad 10d0023
NurFiona binti Abdullah Chung 10d0022

1. The virtual experiment is from
it is about the mixture of chemical to form either Acid, Base or Neutral.

2. How the experiment works
step 1: Find the seven clue in the kitchen
step 2: Mix each clue with the cabbage juice
              Eg. Mixing Pineapple juice with cabbage juice
              which will form into Acid
step 3: Mix the acid(from step 2) with baking soda
              in a bottle and shut the bottle with a cork
              and shake it and slowly it will form carbon dioxide gas ( bountiful bubbles ) which will cause the cork to be       blown away.

3. Student will learn that two different item or chemical can be combine together to form into acid, alkali( base) or neutral. Those chemical that form acid can also be mixed with baking soda to form carbon dioxide gas as shown in the experiment.



GeoGebra is an interactive and dynamic geometry software for education in schools. It is a free software, suitable for the learning and teaching of mathematics at all levels of education.

Constructions can be made with points, vectors, segments, lines, polygons, conic sections, and functions. All of them can be changed dynamically afterwards.

Elements can be entered and modified directly on screen, or through the Input Bar. GeoGebra has the ability to use variables for numbers, vectors and points, find derivatives and integrals of functions and has a full complement of commands like Root or Extremum.

This software was created to help students gain a better understanding of mathematics. You can use it for active and problem-oriented teaching, it fosters mathematical experiments and discoveries both in classroom and at home.

Useful Website on how to learn and use Geogebra http://math247.pbworks.com/Learn-and-Use-GeoGebra

Video Step by step instruction of how to get started with Geogebra

Geometry Question for year 8

What mathematics do you teach or use in work/life? Do you use technology?

Mathematics used in work and life
*In teaching*
As an ICT teacher i am responsible for guiding my pupils to learn their other subjects especially mathematics and science with the integration of ICT. One of the application used in mathematics subjects is spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. This application is use to calculate the addition, subtration, multiplication, division and other mathematical operations. I also use educational mathematics websites for fun online quizzes and activities.

*for everyday life*
I use mathematics to accumulate pupils marks, counting money, debt, savings, to tell time, driving speed, cooking and even eating (when i pay the bill)

*Do you use technology*
Definitely yes!.. i use techonolgy to create this blog 🙂

How are science and mathematics taught in your school

In our school science and maths are taught in many different and interesting ways in order to provide the pupils with more enjoyable and child centered activities. for instance, in mathematics the teachers diversify the ways of teaching both theoretically and practically the usage of computer are also involves in the teaching in order to familiarized the pupils with the computer based learning. An example of the computer based learning that has been practised in out school is the use of hot potatoes software that enable the teacher to create quizzes in computer. Whilst for sicence subject, science are taught in many approaches, from the normal note taking method to the computer based learning approach. In a simple words, every teachers in the school will try their very best to look for the most up to date approaches and methods in order to teach reponsibly and efficiently in a fun and enjoyable environment.

Hello world!